Tuffy Jr Dinosaur Destructosaurus


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PRICE: US$ 45.03
Introducing Jr. DestructoSaurus - the Lawyer Destroyer, the ultimate toy for dogs who love to play and have their toys protected. With his sharp teeth and claws, Jr. DestructoSaurus is here to punish all those who threaten to take away a dog's toy and ruin playtime. Sent from the fiery depths of hell by the Devil himself, this toy seeks to devour anyone who tries to put restrictive shackles on our canine pals.

Designed with soft edges that won't hurt gums, Jr. DestructoSaurus is suitable for indoor play and is washable for easy maintenance. This toy does not have squeakers, making it perfect for dogs who prefer a quieter playtime. Its detailed construction adds a touch of realism, but please note that the Dinosaur Series toys are not guaranteed.

Built to withstand rough play, Tuffy Jr. Dinosaur DestructoSaurus has a Tuff Scale rating of 8, ensuring durability even for dogs weighing under 35 lbs. Measuring 17x17x4, this toy features multiple layers sewn multiple times to withstand the toughest of chewers. We've even added a protective pouch around the squeaker to ensure added safety.

At Tuffy's Pet Toys, we prioritize the safety of our furry friends. Each toy is stuffed with safe, non-toxic fiber and has been tested on numerous dogs to ensure the highest quality and most fun. Our toys are also machine washable, allowing for easy cleaning and air-drying. Plus, they float, adding an element of excitement for water-loving pups.

Please remember that your dog's safety is your responsibility. While the Tuffy's Series Toys are designed to be play toys, it's important to note that they are not chew toys. Ingesting any part of the toy can result in injury. Enjoy playtime with your faithful companion, but always supervise and remove the toy if it becomes damaged.

Treat your beloved dog to the Tuffy Jr. Dinosaur DestructoSaurus - the Lawyer Destroyer, and let their playful instincts roam freely. Don't let anyone take away their joy and toys. Order now and witness the power of Jr. DestructoSaurus firsthand!