Bonide Japanese Beetle Bagger Disposable Collection Bags, Pack Of 6

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Unit Price
US$ 23.38
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The Bonide Japanese Beetle Bagger Disposable Collection Bags are an essential accessory for any avid gardener looking to effectively control and manage beetle infestation. Designed specifically for use with the Bonide Beetle Bagger Japanese Beetle Trap kits, these bug control bags provide a practical and efficient solution for capturing and trapping Japanese beetles.

With this pack of six high-quality disposable bags, you can effortlessly collect and dispose of Japanese beetles without the need for direct contact. The curved, hourglass shape of these bags is ingeniously engineered to prevent thousands of beetles from escaping back into your garden, ensuring that they are effectively trapped and unable to cause further damage to your plants.

Say goodbye to the frustration of watching your beautiful garden being devoured by these relentless pests. The Bonide Japanese Beetle Bagger Disposable Collection Bags are here to help you combat the problem head-on. Specially crafted to securely catch Japanese beetles, these bags are an indispensable addition to your pest control arsenal.

Not only are these collection bags highly functional, but they are also incredibly convenient. With a pack of six at your disposal, you can easily replace filled bags, ensuring that your beetle trap remains effective and continues to protect your garden. Simply discard the full bag and replace it with a fresh one to maintain optimal beetle capture.

The Bonide Japanese Beetle Bagger Disposable Collection Bags are an excellent investment for anyone looking for a simple and practical solution to combat Japanese beetle infestations. Whether you're an experienced gardener or a beginner, these bags are incredibly easy to use with the Beetle Bagger Japanese Beetle Trap kits. Simply attach the bag to the trap, and let it do all the work for you.

These bags are specifically designed to capture Japanese beetles, one of the most destructive and commonly found pests in gardens. By using these bags in conjunction with the Beetle Bagger traps, you can significantly reduce the population of these beetles, providing your plants and flowers with much-needed protection.

Put an end to the devastation caused by Japanese beetles with the help of the Bonide Japanese Beetle Bagger Disposable Collection Bags. Don't let these pests ruin your hard work and dedication in maintaining a beautiful garden. Take control and enjoy pest-free surroundings with the assistance of these reliable and efficient bug control bags.

Invest in the Bonide Japanese Beetle Bagger Disposable Collection Bags today, and experience the immediate relief of knowing that your garden is protected. With their innovative design and dependable performance, these bags ensure that Japanese beetles are no longer able to wreak havoc on your plants. Take proactive measures against garden pests and safeguard your green haven with these exceptional collection bags.
Shipping specs
1.36 lbs
Shipping from
This product is shipped from our supplier's warehouse in Eau Claire, WI, United States
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This product is brand new and includes the manufacturer's warranty, so you can buy with confidence.
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